Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So Worth It

Pregnancy can be such a beautiful thing. Except today. Today I look like death. I have black shadows under my eyes from lack of sleep. I look as white as a ghost from having been fighting off a cold for 2 weeks now. I feel nauseous and icky. But then he moves and my stomach ripples. That's all it takes. I don't care how I look and feel when Hunter reminds me he is there.

Birth is such a hard and exhausting thing for a woman to go through. Yet, I can not remember the pain from the c-section. I just remember holding my daughter for the first time. I remember staring at a photograph of my husband who was deployed to Iraq. Waiting on his call to inform him about our beautiful baby girl. I am even more grateful that he is able to be here this time.

My hormones and emotions are in full force today. I like thinking back to when Cali was born. I try to picture what it will be like this time. There are so many new things. Matt's here. I don't have to wait until I go into labor, I'll have a day and time. It seems so odd that in only a few weeks I'll know exactly when my son's birthday will be. With Cali, it was a waiting game. I thought she was never going to come. She waited until her due date to come out.

Being a mommy is the most amazing experience any woman can go through. I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. We've had the normal bumps in the road (such as teething and colds) and some unexpected (such as weird rashes and food allergies), but it was all worth it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doctors, Pain, & Liberty

Yesterday I had my 30 week appointment. I've been having backaches and cramps for the past 3 days now. Commander **** (keeping the name a secret even though my friends who have been there should know who I am talking about) told me I need to stay off my feet. I look from her to Cali who is sitting in her stroller. I'm thinking to myself "Is that even possible?" I don't know what relaxing and resting is unless Cali is taking a nap and even then that's when I am finishing up chores that I can't do when she is awake.

I talked to my mom about this and even though we all agree with the doctor, I just don't see how it can be done. My mom reminds me that I don't want Hunter coming out yet. I don't either. I did some deep and serious praying last night to God about this whole situation. I just got out of the shower and my back isn't aching quite as bad. My cramping is only slight. I haven't done much this morning besides feed, diaper, and love on my babygirl. I've been sitting around like a bump on a log and I hate it. I keep looking at my feet and seeing how they haven't began to swell yet. That's my motivation also. If I have to remain like a lazy bum, then I'll do it. But I still don't like it.

This saturday the W&F Training Battalion is having what's called a "Liberty Saturday". It's just for the marines, no spouses allowed. They are dragging my husband up to Charleston, SC without me for 18 hours. They want the boys to bond, which Matt says isn't needed in a battalion like this one seeing it's nondeployable. None of these guys will probably ever deploy together. Matt wants to stay home with me and help me out with Cali. Given my current condition and that I have been to the hospital once already in the past 2 weeks you think they wouldn't make Matt go. We will see. He is informing his higher ups about me and the safety of our unborn son. Let's see if they stick to the "family orientated" motto they throw around so much. I doubt it. I can see that they are still going to make Matt go. If this pain keeps up, I'm going to have to call in reenforcements and have someone come stay with me until Hunter is born to help out around the house and help me out with Cali Rae.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I've been blessed with some amazing people in my life. My wonderful neighbor made me a sling for Hunter that matches his nursery. A friend down the street left a huge bag of boy clothes on my front porch on Christmas Eve. I thought Santa Claus came early. I don't think I will have to buy any clothes until Hunter is at least 6 months old. My bestie bought me a box of diapers that is a 216ct, along with various things from my Babies'R'us Registry. When I was beginning to think no one was listening or no one really cared, I was proven wrong. God opened my eyes. He has shown me that through the darkness there is light. It just might be hard to see sometimes - especially when I'm being hormonal.

There are still things we need, but I'm not worried about it anymore. It will be provided in some way. We have a list ourselves of items we plan on buying. I know of a few people who have told me they are buying things. I still am sticking to the "What do you need?" - "Diapers" answer. I can always use diapers. I just got sick and tired of people constantly putting out unwanted, mean comments about my registries. They need to remember that I'm not forcing anyone to buy anything. I'm just asking for contributions if people want to give. Having a baby is expensive!

The picture above is of the crib bed set we plan on buying. We are getting all the pieces except the window valance and the diaper stacker. I already have a diaper stacker - the Munchkins one. I used it with Cali. It's bigger and holds more than just diapers. I plan on buying some chocolate brown curtains for the window. My mom has been looking for a chocolate brown rug or a "bear" skin rug. I've seen those kind of rugs in either Cabelas or Bass Pro Shop magazines. We still need to get a dresser, changing table (which converts into a bookcase - I like more for my money), and we found a mattress we like at Walmart. Just check out the registries!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Life as of Lately

Only two months left until our little man is here. I'm so excited about it that I'm nesting already. I just want his room done and completed. It's nerve wrecking walking into his room and seeing all the things we don't have and still need. I look at the crib, there is no mattress or bed set. We have this hutch thing in there now with all his clothes in baskets, but I want a dresser. Dressers are easier and eventually he will HAVE to have one. So why not go ahead and get it while we can?

Matt's completely amazed with the size of newborn diapers and continually asks me if I'm sure they will even fit. I assure him that they will. But with that being said, we only have 92 diapers total so far. And as all us mommies know, that won't last long at all. I'm thinking a week? Anyone want to place a bet? So basically we still need diapers.

I have plenty of wipes. I was smart and bought a 576ct box of Huggies Natural Care wipes. It's easier to buy big so I don't have to worry on whether we have enough or not. I also think we are set on baby wash. I've personally bought 2 bottles and a box of disposable washcloths. My mom recently bought a bottle of wash as well. I only have one bottle of lotion, but that always last awhile. Plus between the few I have for Cali (which we use every day sometimes twice a day because my baby girl loves lotion) I'm sure we won't need any for awhile.

I have the diaper bag packed and ready to go minus burp cloths simply because I don't have any yet. My mom bought a couple, but they're aren't physically here yet. We have a ton of clothes thanks to a few friends, my mom, and my mother in law (which hers aren't here yet either, but my parents are bringing them up soon). I'm just ready for everything to be in place and I'm definitely ready for it to be time to have Hunter.

I'm blessed this pregnancy with the fact that the only thing that's swelled on me besides my belly (for obvious reasons) is my fingers and they only slightly swell at night. My feet amazingly haven't tripled in size like they did with Cali. I have also been watching my salt intake like a hawk (haha, that's my maiden name... I'm a dork I know). If I keep it up I won't have to worry about that, which I plan too.

It's like a little after 6am. I've been up a little before 5am because of the husband. And he is already gone to work but I can't go back to sleep. It's a curse from pregnancy. Plus I took my acid reflux medicine, ate breakfast, and now I'm on here. Normally I'm tired by now and crawling back into bed. That doesn't seem to be the case this morning. So by 10am I'm going to be dragging myself around the house complaining about the need for sleep. But hopefully Cali will take a nap around that time so I can too!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Some days I sit back and think about my friends. What they mean to me and all the memories we share. But then I think about a select few that only seem to talk to me or hang out with me when they are bored. What kind of friendship is that? It makes me feel used and unappreciated. I do so much for my friends. Some seem to forget about me when they make new friends or become closer to others.

To me, that's kind of messed up. Who cares how many friends you have? You should treat them equally. I've had friends complain that they think that I don't care about them. That I'm not up their butts 24-7 so I must not like them. If I am up your butt, all in your business, all the time - truthfully I will get sick of you. I will not want to talk to you for awhile. Friendship shouldn't work like that. I should want to call you, text you, email you, or hang out with you whenever. I shouldn't be aggravated when hanging out is mentioned or the phone rings and your name is on the caller ID. I should be thrilled, but I won't be if I am forced to be around you constantly. Everyone needs a little breathing room. Everyone needs their space sometimes.

My hormones are at an all time high. When I get frustrated and don't want to say the wrong thing, I clam up. I get quiet. It means I'm biting my tongue, calming myself down so I don't say the wrong thing that isn't intended. I love all my friends. I love having girl time or as I call it sometimes "mommy time" because it always seems like us mommy's never get to go anywhere without a baby in tow. Which is fine, I love my daughter and she is a good girl in public. But I can't do it everyday. Plus I don't have a vehicle half the time. We are working on getting a second vehicle, but as always money is an issue.

This blog overall is just to inform those who sometimes do me wrong (and I know they don't realize it half the time) that I do care and appreciate your friendship. Every relationship in life has it's gives and takes. Example: we have our friends the Myricks over alot. The husband is a connoisseur of "pop". It seems like it's all he drinks. So whenever they come over, I always ask that they bring some because if not, by the time they leave, we are always left with none. I don't buy alot of Coke. Matt is lucky to have 2 2-ltrs for each pay period. They understand and always bring some. Also, if we want to do dinner together, they always bring something to chip in. Every little bit helps. Our friends the Spencers are the same way.

So I think I'm done rambling on about friendship. I hope I got my point across. Feelings can get hurt over small things that in the end matter to both parties. I can't be a once a month friend. I can't be the person you turn too only when you are having problems. I don't want to be house that you sit at just because you are bored and there is nothing better to do.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Scary Moments

I'm almost 28 weeks pregnant (according to "my last period") and I'm already nesting. Over the past few days I've cleaned out our frig, microwave, and stove. I've done laundry and dishes. I cleared off our desk and moved it into the garage. I have rearranged our living room furniture and vacuumed every inch of carpet from the living room to down the hall. I even vacuumed out the a/c closet to get all that extra dust out of my house. In Hunter's room, I cleared out the closet to make room for his new little things.

Today I had planned on mopping and finishing cleaning the bathrooms. But last night I had a little scare that turned out to be nothing. Hunter was just having a ton of fun playing with mommy's bladder causing me to leak (aka pee myself - I'm so embarrassed). Matt & I thought maybe my water was breaking. So I took it easy the rest of the night anyways after I discovered what it really was. And today I'm being a lazy bum. Every inch of me wants to be finishing up my little chores I had planned. I hate just sitting around. Maybe tonight after Cali is in bed, I will attempt to mop.

Nothing is more boring than doing nothing. I use to long for the afternoons where I could just lay on the couch and be a bum. I keep hoping Matt will be coming home soon and then I will have at least someone to talk too. (Cali is napping right now) I know a movie tonight is out of the question... the Championship will be on our TV. Go Gators!

Saturday we will be filing our taxes (yay!) which is always nice. Time consuming and boring, but nice at the end of the day. One less thing to worry about this year.

2009 has been alright so far. Besides from my little scare last night, I've enjoyed starting out this new year with a bigger look on life. My friend had her baby. I've become closer to some friends here and I've even confronted an old one only to find out that there was nothing wrong at all - she is just homesick and keeping to herself. There is nothing in the world like friendship and knowing you have someone to talk too when times get tough and you think no one gets it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's A Boy!

We found out we are having a little boy! Matt was beside himself with happiness. He got to see the ultrasound proving it is a boy. He was like, "Yesss!" My husband is mainly happy because now there will be a grandchild to carry on the Davis last name. His sister's two boys have a different last name. He has 2 cousins, but they are both married with different last names now. SO it was up to Matt basically. Now Hunter is making his daddy and Grandpa Red proud.

During the ultrasound, Hunter was moving around like crazy. The tech kept asking him to calm down and be still. I asked about his position. His feet are playing with my bladder and his head is up under my boobs. A boob man already! Let's hope he will let me breastfeed him. Cali wouldn't let me. She was too impatient.

I've updated my baby registries. There is one at Walmart & BabiesRus. The due date is March 30, 2009. The names are Christine & Matthew Davis.