Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's A Boy!

We found out we are having a little boy! Matt was beside himself with happiness. He got to see the ultrasound proving it is a boy. He was like, "Yesss!" My husband is mainly happy because now there will be a grandchild to carry on the Davis last name. His sister's two boys have a different last name. He has 2 cousins, but they are both married with different last names now. SO it was up to Matt basically. Now Hunter is making his daddy and Grandpa Red proud.

During the ultrasound, Hunter was moving around like crazy. The tech kept asking him to calm down and be still. I asked about his position. His feet are playing with my bladder and his head is up under my boobs. A boob man already! Let's hope he will let me breastfeed him. Cali wouldn't let me. She was too impatient.

I've updated my baby registries. There is one at Walmart & BabiesRus. The due date is March 30, 2009. The names are Christine & Matthew Davis.

1 comment:

Sara Elizabeth said...

congrats lil boys are amazing =]