Thursday, January 8, 2009

Scary Moments

I'm almost 28 weeks pregnant (according to "my last period") and I'm already nesting. Over the past few days I've cleaned out our frig, microwave, and stove. I've done laundry and dishes. I cleared off our desk and moved it into the garage. I have rearranged our living room furniture and vacuumed every inch of carpet from the living room to down the hall. I even vacuumed out the a/c closet to get all that extra dust out of my house. In Hunter's room, I cleared out the closet to make room for his new little things.

Today I had planned on mopping and finishing cleaning the bathrooms. But last night I had a little scare that turned out to be nothing. Hunter was just having a ton of fun playing with mommy's bladder causing me to leak (aka pee myself - I'm so embarrassed). Matt & I thought maybe my water was breaking. So I took it easy the rest of the night anyways after I discovered what it really was. And today I'm being a lazy bum. Every inch of me wants to be finishing up my little chores I had planned. I hate just sitting around. Maybe tonight after Cali is in bed, I will attempt to mop.

Nothing is more boring than doing nothing. I use to long for the afternoons where I could just lay on the couch and be a bum. I keep hoping Matt will be coming home soon and then I will have at least someone to talk too. (Cali is napping right now) I know a movie tonight is out of the question... the Championship will be on our TV. Go Gators!

Saturday we will be filing our taxes (yay!) which is always nice. Time consuming and boring, but nice at the end of the day. One less thing to worry about this year.

2009 has been alright so far. Besides from my little scare last night, I've enjoyed starting out this new year with a bigger look on life. My friend had her baby. I've become closer to some friends here and I've even confronted an old one only to find out that there was nothing wrong at all - she is just homesick and keeping to herself. There is nothing in the world like friendship and knowing you have someone to talk too when times get tough and you think no one gets it.

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