Friday, January 9, 2009


Some days I sit back and think about my friends. What they mean to me and all the memories we share. But then I think about a select few that only seem to talk to me or hang out with me when they are bored. What kind of friendship is that? It makes me feel used and unappreciated. I do so much for my friends. Some seem to forget about me when they make new friends or become closer to others.

To me, that's kind of messed up. Who cares how many friends you have? You should treat them equally. I've had friends complain that they think that I don't care about them. That I'm not up their butts 24-7 so I must not like them. If I am up your butt, all in your business, all the time - truthfully I will get sick of you. I will not want to talk to you for awhile. Friendship shouldn't work like that. I should want to call you, text you, email you, or hang out with you whenever. I shouldn't be aggravated when hanging out is mentioned or the phone rings and your name is on the caller ID. I should be thrilled, but I won't be if I am forced to be around you constantly. Everyone needs a little breathing room. Everyone needs their space sometimes.

My hormones are at an all time high. When I get frustrated and don't want to say the wrong thing, I clam up. I get quiet. It means I'm biting my tongue, calming myself down so I don't say the wrong thing that isn't intended. I love all my friends. I love having girl time or as I call it sometimes "mommy time" because it always seems like us mommy's never get to go anywhere without a baby in tow. Which is fine, I love my daughter and she is a good girl in public. But I can't do it everyday. Plus I don't have a vehicle half the time. We are working on getting a second vehicle, but as always money is an issue.

This blog overall is just to inform those who sometimes do me wrong (and I know they don't realize it half the time) that I do care and appreciate your friendship. Every relationship in life has it's gives and takes. Example: we have our friends the Myricks over alot. The husband is a connoisseur of "pop". It seems like it's all he drinks. So whenever they come over, I always ask that they bring some because if not, by the time they leave, we are always left with none. I don't buy alot of Coke. Matt is lucky to have 2 2-ltrs for each pay period. They understand and always bring some. Also, if we want to do dinner together, they always bring something to chip in. Every little bit helps. Our friends the Spencers are the same way.

So I think I'm done rambling on about friendship. I hope I got my point across. Feelings can get hurt over small things that in the end matter to both parties. I can't be a once a month friend. I can't be the person you turn too only when you are having problems. I don't want to be house that you sit at just because you are bored and there is nothing better to do.

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